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PETITION TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF PETERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL SUSAN HARRIS @ http://www.thepetitionsite.com/786/262/597/immediately-terminate-the-employment-of-peterson-middle-school-principal-susan-e-harris/
The petition seen above has been mysteriously DELETED even though ALL Americans (including teenagers over 14 years of age) have a right to petition their government (the original target email for the petition was Santa Clara County Supervisor Liz Kniss); so this illegal action has in effect mass-violated the rights of many people -- and this is UNACCEPTABLE.
EXCERPTS FROM LIKROPER.COM SUPERBIRDLAND! WEB PAGE: "30 sep 2012 -- I have brought the dangerous traffic situation in this neighborhood to the attention of both the City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara for a few months now with no action taken to correct it (missing state-law crosswalk signs; crosswalk needed at the end of Dunford way etc) and just the other day right after I helped a kid cross the street to get to school safely; an irate and hysterical Principal Harris drove up and jumped out of her vehicle and practically accosted me for helping the kid cross (note: the last Principal was a cool black guy who somehow knew me by my first name; so what happened?) This kind of paranoid, irrational soccer mom-ish behavior has no place in this neighborhood. Not only is Principal Harris an animal abuser who poisoned wildlife in the Peterson field (THE SANTA CLARA UNIFIED KILL DISTRICT? X X); but she also helped the FULL CIRCLE FARM have a hard time getting their organic certification -- And now she is retaliating against me for bringing this to the publics' attention (below are excerpts from a secret word file that has been brought to the attention of the Sunnyvale city council; the Sunnyvale city attorney; the Sunnyvale police department; the Sunnyvale city manager; Kamala Harris; Jeff Rosen etc)..."
NOTE: Principal Susan Harris is a good friend of Mrs. Paolinetti; who was the Principal of Laurelwood School at the time of this questionable incident -- leaving the question open as to whether Susan Harris was perhaps put up to doing this.
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> The crosswalk seen on the front cover of the Beatles album "Abbey
Road" was the result of a national debate in the UK regarding pedestrian
safety -- What is more important? Life or commerce? I think we ALL know
the answer to that question.
Also; in response to the now deleted petition; Sunnyvale Officers Fuji and Gantt were dispatched to Johns' residence in response to a complaint about the petition apparently originating from Principal Harris. John was then asked to add a note to the petition reminding people to stay within bounds of decency when signing the petition; which John did.
And while Officers Fuji and Gantt were obviously involved in a form of unconstitutional policing; they meant well and were just doing their jobs as required (likely because failing to respond to a middle school Principals' requests for assistance could get Officers Fuji and Gantt fired; while no one will ever get fired for ignoring Johns' various requests for police assistance over a decade of time > SEE: DISCRIMINATION [gender-based etc]) and are now on good terms with John helping to find the person who harmed his cat Missy. > GO TO: BIRDLAND FREE PRESS @ http://thefreepress1.blogspot.com/
Why was John allowed to be repeatedly physically attacked and non-coincidentally stalked and harrassed etc over a decade of time time with no arrests made; no one apprehended; detained and/or questioned in the process? > GO TO: THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRVG-rWpemk
Why was John allowed to be repeatedly physically attacked and non-coincidentally stalked and harrassed etc over a decade of time time with no arrests made; no one apprehended; detained and/or questioned in the process? > GO TO: THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRVG-rWpemk
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NOTE: To address this egregious civil rights violation; a duplicate petition has been created to continue this valiant effort (see below). Also; what Principal Susan Harris did to John is essentially the EXACT SAME THING she later accused SCUSD Trustee Chris Stampolis of doing; making Principal Susan Harris seem a bit hypocritical in the process. > Go to: http://www.sanjoseinside.com/2014/10/06/stampolis-should-resign-from-santa-clara-unified-school-board
SIGN THE NEW PETITION TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF PETERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL SUSAN E. HARRIS! @ http://www.thepetitionsite.com/786/262/597/immediately-terminate-the-employment-of-peterson-middle-school-principal-susan-e-harris/
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went to Peterson and it turns out that Harris is still expelling
students for the dumbest reasons and this happens almost every week.
I've heard many complaints about the racism that shows in her actions
but I was not aware of how severe it was until I experienced it myself.
I wonder what it will take for the district to find out what kind of a
person she really is..." -- Anonymous
5 MAY 2015: "Hi! My mom says after I graduate, during the summer she'll let me put up posters around the school advertising your website page on susan harris and the petition. I think it's time she steps down and everyone should be aware of what she has done. Also, we did notice that no crosswalk signs have been put up, for Christ's sake I've seen a student on a bike get hit by a car crossing the street in front of the gym! This puts all the students in danger when they cross the street. And I surely will do something about all this right after I graduate. me and my mom would surely appreciate some help too!..." -- Anonymous
5 MAY 2015: "Hi! My mom says after I graduate, during the summer she'll let me put up posters around the school advertising your website page on susan harris and the petition. I think it's time she steps down and everyone should be aware of what she has done. Also, we did notice that no crosswalk signs have been put up, for Christ's sake I've seen a student on a bike get hit by a car crossing the street in front of the gym! This puts all the students in danger when they cross the street. And I surely will do something about all this right after I graduate. me and my mom would surely appreciate some help too!..." -- Anonymous
I -- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably
to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of
SEE ALSO: NEW TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES NEEDED NOW! @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/11/new-traffic-calming-measures-needed-now.html + FLORA VISTA AVENUE IN SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/05/flora-vista-avenue-in-santa-clara.html + INSTITUTIONALIZED GENDER DISCRIMINATION Pt.II @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/institutionalized-gender-discrimination_25.html + SEE ALSO: 25 JUN 2011: JAKE PAOLINETTI: CRIMINAL THREATS; TARGETED STALKING; HATE CRIMES; GANG ENHANCEMENTS; ETC @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdSSSANDXlE&list=UU13_WfEgp0MBd6w_RqN1oug&index=10&feature=plcp (deleted video)
anyone who thinks i will be gentrified and/or run out of my neighborhood and/or place of residence of over 50 years is sadly mistaken...