Wednesday, October 5, 2016


The first time John called the Sunnyvale D.P.S. after being attacked in the street was back in December 1998. Three Sunnyvale D.P.S. Officers responded; and Mister Struble corroborated the story when he was called at work by Officer Discher. A few days later; John was given a temporary restraining order from Officer Beninger; who never spoke to Officer Discher about the event.


When Officer Beninger was asked whether or not he spoke to Officer Discher after the court hearing; Beninger responded with "Who's Discher?' The female judge in charge of the case was suspicious of Officer Beninger; suggesting that this was instead a "neighborhood matter".

28 DECEMBER 1998
John had the heavily redacted 911 readout and an email document from the City of Sunnyvale (see photos above); but never showed it to the judge due to coercion and intimidation on the part of the Strubles and/or Officer Beninger. Note: Even though John had actually played drums in large arenas before this event; John was still shy when it came to public speaking -- but since then John has started singing karaoke; and this has made John an absolutely fearless speaker. > go to:

NOTE: Sunnyvale D.P.S. Officers Smith and Ochoa more recently violated Johns' civil rights by illegally ordering John to leave the Oasis Nightclub without pulling up surveillance footage showing John being attacked in front of the club by Doug Ward; in the process causing injury and/or civil rights violation. > GO TO: OFFICERS SMITH AND OCHOA @ + INCIDENT #EV-98-112345 / MISTER STRUBLE @

NOTE: John recently got a new friend on his Occupy Sunnyvale Facebook page named "Punkle Roar" (alias). This new friend happens to be ex-Sunnyvale Police Officer Matthew Beningers' son; who has much to say about his crooked ex-cop Father. These are email excerpts:

Punkle Roar wrote: "I am trying to post this everywhere I can. My biological father is an ex Sunnyvale police officer who has been molesting his family for over three decades. I am reaching out to everybody I can in the Bay Area to join me at (redacted) San Jose California period at 9 a.m. this Friday. Please help calm support as victims of the atrocities that this man got he could do because he was a cop. His name is Matthew Beninger in his phone number is (redacted)..."

Punkle Roar wrote: "What's on my mind is I need every punk rocker or anti-cop to be at the address of (redacted) San Jose California at 9 a.m. this Friday to help me put down Matthew Beninger a police officer who's been molesting children for over three decades I need everyone and anyone that can get out there send this message to your friends and your friends friends. This is not some b******* I need Unity out here please help..."

Punkle Roar wrote: " Police officer that has been molesting (for) 30 years including me his own son period protest (redacted) San Jose California Friday 9 a.m. everyone and anyone and anyone and everyone please..."

Punkle Roar wrote: "Please, and thank you for getting ahold of me. My father Mathew beninger Sunnyvale police officer has been molesting children in the family for 30 years. I'm finally at an age where I'm ready to confront him. I filed criminal charges to try to put him in jail the rest of his life and we are having civil protest in front of his house at (redacted) San Jose California this Friday at 9 a.m. . I would appreciate anybody coming out to help support me do this as these disgusting cops need to be stopped..."

Punkle Roar wrote: "He got a restraining order against me and is filing criminal threat charges because I posted on Facebook for all the punks in anti-cop groups to come out and protest with me. And I used the words let's take him down of course meaning let's expose him and stop him from doing this ever again. I'm trying to get a restraining order against him but it's looking like it will not happen because he has not committed any specific crimes necessarily in the last 3 months. But I am trying to remember some stuff that may help my cause. He does make drunk harassing phone calls telling me what a loser I am comma and s*** like that but I don't think it's going to Warrant a restraining order unfortunately so this s*** gets deeper and deeper in the victim has to pay the price..."

Punkle Roar wrote: I wish I had people that were representing like that for me. By calling all the cop watch groups and bunkers from the East Bay I am now a criminal threat AKA terrorist threat if you could f****** believe that. The Flyers and passed out his phone numbers on them if people choose to call him or her write letters to his house or do whatever in the f*** they choose to do that's not my responsibility anymore. All I did was tell the truth and if I get in trouble for that I really wouldn't be f****** surprise the way this country is going right about now..."

QUESTION: John wrote: "I have a question your honor...why does the court on one hand respect his first amendment rights; then on the other hand not? Does he have rights or does he not your honor?..." "With all due respect; which side of duality are you on your honor?..." (Perhaps both sides? Quantum entanglement?)

John wrote:  "damn that sucks...he's the king of restraining orders that's for sure...i would love to show up in court and tell them what he did to me; it's the exact same kind of reverse psy ops shit he used on me...remember that the interpretation of the words "let's take him down" is a matter of semantics...use that word...semantics...the bigger the words the better..."

John wrote: "by the way; i am in just as bad of a place right now as you are...i cannot explain the bullshit the local police have piled on is absolutely incredible and beyond's just plain evil...but i am strong enough and smart enough to take them on and that is my lawyer...all by myself and i will win problem whatsoever..." (many lawyers are just plain idiots -- and many people who work in government are lawyers as well...get my point?)

John wrote: "i've had two SWAT teams show up at my house; one with snipers -- one time for feeding ducks and one time for cleaning up litter they had previous knowledge of...serious as a heart attack...dirty bastards...they owe me some cash...' (and this is only the tip of the iceberg...)

NOTE: It seems Matthew Beninger hasn't changed a bit over the years and is up to his same old tricks again; serving restraining orders to crime victims. Let it be known to all that ex-Sunnyvale Police Officer Matthew Beninger is nothing more than a corrupt ex-cop who fears his past.

At some point in time the Cities of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara need to finally admit fault and come clean once and for all. Police departments all over the country are under intense scrutiny for things like defending bad behavior by their fellow officers; unequal application of the law; destroying the lives of whistle blowers; the rejection of monitoring and/or the inability to take criticism and/or take responsibility for mistakes etc. At this point in time law enforcement is actually protected more than people they were sworn to protect and serve by "putting the cart before the horse". Because rights are for everyone; not just Police Officers. > GO TO:  7 Reasons American’s Don’t Trust the Police @ 


SEE ALSO: A PATTERN OR PRACTICE OF DISCRIMINATION: "The courts have found a "pattern or practice" when the evidence establishes that the discriminatory actions were the defendant's regular practice, rather than an isolated instance. This does not mean that the Department has to prove that a defendant always discriminates or that a large number of people have been affected. A "pattern or practice" means that the defendant has a policy of discriminating, even if the policy is not always followed. The courts have held that the Attorney General has discretion to decide what constitutes an issue of "general public importance," and the courts will not second-guess that decision. Thus, the Department can bring suit even when a discriminatory act has occurred only once, if it affects a group of persons and the Department believes that the discrimination raises an issue of general public importance..." > Go To: A Pattern Or Practice Of Discrimination @ 

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