Tuesday, November 29, 2016



Since Donald Trump won the Presidential election, there has been a dramatic uptick in incidents of racist and xenophobic harassment across the country. The Southern Poverty Law Center has reported that there were four hundred and thirty-seven incidents of intimidation between the election, on November 8th, and November 14th, targeting blacks and other people of color, Muslims, immigrants, the L.G.B.T. community, and women. Note: The aim of this particular segment is to raise awareness of politically motivated violence and help people stay safe, report it to authorities as needed, and create a database of such incidents.

John has extensive video evidence of hate crimes perpetrated against him that he has been exposing for many years now to President Obama; the Department of Justice; local police departments; the SCCDA office etc with no action taken; so why do alleged hate crimes matter all of the sudden? And why was Johns' You Tube video evidence illegally destroyed even thought this is now a Title 11 case?

EXCERPTS FROM THE ADDENDUM BLOG: APRIL 2011: "Jake Paolinetti and friends drive by John's house one afternoon menacing, stalking and harassing John at his residence (non-coincidentally); doing exactly what they did for a number of years at night. Jake can be heard yelling "You motherfucking faggot" etc while John is clearly heterosexual. Jake then returned to Johns' residence later that night banging on the side of Johns' house; causing John to go outside and record Jake while waiting for Sunnyvale DPS to respond. The responding Sunnyvale DPS officer refused to review the footage and therefore took to action once again; letting Jake and his little brother (see: conspiracy) escape without arrest once again. 

It is not only illegal to cover up the harassment and/or menacing of people if the menacing behavior is conspiratorial and/or non-coincidental -- but it is also illegal to harass and threaten people based upon their suspected sexual preference. The bottom line: it's highly illegal for ANYONE to stalk ANYONE ELSE repeatedly and non-coincidentally regardless of their various stupid reasons for doing so..."

Similar non-coincidental harassment and stalking and criminal threats by Jake Paolinetti and friends usually occurred at night; sometimes at around 2-3 am. The incident listed above was when Jake and friends got sloppy and did the same thing during the day when John was outside with his video camera. It took about 2 years for John to figure out who was behind the night time disturbances; and when John finally found out who was behind it -- the Sunnyvale DPS and Santa Clara PD worked in concert to mischaracterize and cover up the entire situation.

GO TO: DELETED VIDEO -- MENTAL ILLNESS | HATE CRIMES | CRIMINAL THREATS | STALKING | HARASSMENT ETC @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZuOygtSY6A (see: Evidence Tampering + Obstruction of Justice etc) + REPLACED VIDEO @ http://likroper.com/P1000593.MOV + SEE ALSO: April 2011: JAKE PAOLINETTI: CONSPIRACY AND HATE CRIMES @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/04/jake-paolinetti-conspiracy-and-hate.html + THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ http://likroper.com/TRDOVSAH3.wmv + DELETED VIDEO -- JAKE PAOLINETTI: CRIMINAL THREATS; TARGETED STALKING; HATE CRIMES; GANG ENHANCEMENTS; ETC @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdSSSANDXlE + JAKE PAOLINETTI: CONSPIRACY AND HATE CRIMES @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/04/jake-paolinetti-conspiracy-and-hate.html + THANKS FOR NOTHING @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/04/thanks-for-nothing.html + THANKS FOR NOTHING / PART II -- MOTION FOR EXPUNGEMENT AND/OR FACTUAL INNOCENCE @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/06/thanks-for-nothing-part-ii-motion-for.html

The following You Tube video "THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT" exposes the extensive violence; menacing; vandalism; stalking and harassment etc John experienced in prior years; with no action taken by police to arrest any of Johns' various attackers. John finally defended himself against attacker Jake Paolinetti in June 2011 (a Santa Clara Cops' son); only to be threatened with arrest; showing blatant discrimination (gender-based etc) by local police agencies. While groping a woman in public often includes a city-wide manhunt; violently attacking a man often brings no punishment whatsoever to the attackers.


Furthermore; "at the Dec. 6 2016 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Board President Dave Cortese and Supervisor Cindy Chavez announced they will promote a plan to expand legal services for undocumented residents needing representation for hearings or help preparing documents. The plan would also ensure that immigrants in the county are informed about changes in federal immigration policies that may affect them, according to Chavez and Cortese. "We will do everything we can to make sure our residents know their rights and have access to legal services to protect them from unjust deportation," Cortese said in a statement..."

Adding to this; "California's Attorney General recently helped secure lawyers to represent minors from Central America during immigration hearings. Kamala Harris called the surge in young immigrants a humanitarian crisis, echoing comments made a day earlier by Gov. Jerry Brown, a fellow Democrat. More than 57,000 minors have arrived at the U.S. border since October, mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, along with tens of thousands of families. Harris said she wants "to make sure that we're giving those children due process of law" and added that children as young as 8 shouldn't have to go through the hearings without the benefit of a lawyer to help explain their condition..."

GO TO: AG Kamala Harris will help immigrants get lawyers @

QUESTION: Why are certain government authorities (In other words; Democrats) offering non-citizens free legal help; but no help to a person like John who was born in California and is a legal resident of the United States? (See: Discrimination). And why are alleged "Hate Crimes" now being prosecuted when John has been going on and on about the hate crimes perpetrated against him for years with no help from local police departments or the District Attorney? (See: Discrimination). John has absolutely no problem with the existence of free legal assistance; it should just be made available to all U.S. citizens as well. (So...are you still wondering why so many people voted for Donald Trump? Regardless; John is a Bernie Sanders supporter).

"The day after President Obama won the presidency back in November of 2008; John went directly to the Santa Clara police department to get records of the wrongful arrest by Santa Clara police officer Pablo Lopez and one other plain clothed cop. John assumed since Mister Obama ran on a political platform resting upon the shoulders of Martin Luther King (and/or MLK); the Obama administration would act quickly and forcefully to root out the corruption John had been experiencing for many years even back in 2008 (go to:  http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2009/07/timeline-civil-rights-wronged-andor.html).

But here it is about roughly 8 years later; and no action has been taken by the federal government to correct this situation. In fact; it seems the Obama administration is actually not only supporting this kind of bad police behavior; but they are also expanding and legitimizing this kind of barbaric activity that has more to do with the ancient Roman empire than the United States of America..."

EXCERPTS FROM THE ADDENDUM BLOG 1: "Within a few hours of posting this: http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/racial-profiling.html; John's best friend from the neighborhood Danny Garcia was harassed by the Sunnyvale Police once again -- this time apparently in retaliation for speaking out on this blog -- and likely (desperately) trying to legitimize their past harassment of Danny. (In other words; the Sunnyvale police are now reading this blog) This time Danny was sitting with his 71 year old fellow homeless friend Gabe at Raynor Park; minding his own business. Two Sunnyvale Police officers approached them -- one tall, balding male Caucasian; and one short stocky male Caucasian -- and told Danny and Gabe that people "are afraid of them". (Note: The mainstream media is a fear-based medium; and many people are brainwashed by this hogwash daily. Fortunately; Danny and Gabe do not watch TV; therefore they do not keep abreast of all of the fear-based propaganda that is being constantly shoved down peoples' throats to control and/or distract them. And they are actually quite normal, well adjusted people because of this. 

The bottom line is Danny and/or Gabe should not have to pay any price for being around mentally unstable; paranoid television-brainwashed people who are "afraid of them"..." Note: By the way; Danny Garcia is a legal United States citizen who was born in the U.S. and is the son of Mexican immigrants. 

"When the Sunnyvale police officers said to Danny and Gabe; "people are afraid of you"; what they REALLY were saying was that they (the police Officers; likely the entire police department) are more than likely AFRAID OF JOHN -- and mainly because not only has John filed a claim against the department for YEARS of abuse; but John also understands the workings of the subconscious mind and how it expresses itself unknowingly sometimes through ones' speech...and mostly because John is not afraid of their gestapo-like tactics; he doesn't jive with their third world country-like police state behavior; or their "We've got Google and the NSA in our town; so we can do pretty much WHATEVER WE WANT" attitudes..."

WARNING: contains material that could be offensive to minors and/or government personnel:

"MONITOR THIS: a message to the Sunnyvale Police: Why don't you assholes leave my homeless friends alone? You know...just because I brought some of your past injustices to the attention of your superiors (and probably got you all in trouble -- ha! I aint even close to being done with that shit!) does not mean you have to pick on my friends in retaliation -- you know; (Officer Ross) High School is over and i don't care if you got bullied as a child and became a cop to even the score -- if you don't have a solution for my friends THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP and find something better to do than harass homeless people who DO NOT have to stay on the "poor side" of El Camino real (that's what Officer Ross said) to appease all the rich folks on the other side...FUCK YOU Officer Ross...and FUCK your class warfare..." > SEE: CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION AND/OR CLASS-BASED DISCRIMINATION etc.

Note: The main problem with Donald Trumps wild idea about mass deportations of Mexican immigrants who allegedly entered the United States illegally is that once implemented; it will inevitably cause many innocent people to be adversely affected with police etc harassment; and cause unnecessary scrutiny of countless innocent United States citizens of Mexican descent. Much like the Vietnam war which required U.S. soldiers to differentiate between North (enemy) and South (ally) Vietnamese; it will cause confusion in the ranks and will inevitably not only lead to wrongful arrests and criminal and/or civil infractions; but also a general destabilization of society. In this particular case; no Mexican from north or south is the enemy. Perhaps the only real enemy here is "fear and stupidity walking through the vast desert of ignorance".

SEE ALSO: Johns' old friend Jimmy Finley (one of the greatest guitar players who ever lived; Don Menn from guitar player magazine was at Jim's funeral service) was incarcerated by the Palo Alto Police a few weeks before he died; Jim was on his DEATH BED; but the police felt it was a good idea to incarcerate him for not having a light on his bike. > GO TO: 'GOD'S EMPTY CHAIR' BY JAMES PATRICK FINLEY @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/12/gods-empty-chair-by-james-patrick-finley.html

Moving right along..."Exactly 24 hours before bloody riots broke out in downtown San Jose following a June rally for President-elect Donald Trump, Police Chief Eddie Garcia sat down to edit a media advisory meant to warn the public about traffic delays, according to an amended lawsuit on behalf of Trump supporters injured in the rally. Garcia, according to legal papers, took out one critical line: “We are taking a zero tolerance approach to violent protesters” and a reference to San Jose using outside law enforcement to control what they predicted could become a violent event.

That’s one of the several new allegations in an amended class action lawsuit filed Monday by Harmeet K. Dhillon on behalf of 20 Trump supporters who were injured in the rally. The suit seeks damages against the city and police chief. "What it says to me is that the head of the police department made an affirmative choice to delete language about ‘zero tolerance for violence’ at the event — which is deeply troubling," Dhillon said, adding that the city was aware of riots against Trump in other cities leading up to San Jose’s rally. “Yet, apparently, they made a policy decision not to call for all available mutual aid to ensure the safety of all citizens on both sides at this event,” she said. Dhillon, a San Francisco-based attorney and the RNC National Committeewoman for California, first filed suit in July on behalf of 14 plaintiffs who attended the political rally. 

It accused the city, Liccardo and Garcia of failing to protect Trump supporters who were “chased, beaten and assaulted” after leaving the event. “The city defendants instructed all officers to stand by, watch as the attacks occurred, and not intervene, even as citizens were brutally assaulted and their property destroyed, before their eyes,” the suit says. A judge in October dismissed three of four claims against the city, but did not dismiss the claim of negligence, allowing the lawsuit to continue..."

Go To: SAN JOSE: NEW ALLEGATIONS SURFACE IN DONALD TRUMP LAWSUIT @ http://www.mercurynews.com/2016/11/15/san-jose-new-allegations-surface-in-donald-trump-riot-lawsuit/ + SEE ALSO: THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ http://likroper.com/TRDOVSAH3.wmv 

Similar to situations with the Struble Familia; the Olenak Familia; the Paolinetti/Rebholtz Familia; the Oasis Nightclub; Woodhams Lounge etc -- the protection of property more often than not takes precedence over the protection of the basic human rights and/or guaranteed unalienable rights: life; liberty and the pursuit of happiness as prescribed by U.S. constitutional law. 

GO TO: THE REVOLVING DOOR OF VIOLENT STALKING AND HARASSMENT @ http://likroper.com/TRDOVSAH3.wmv > Note: To reiterate; John got attacked roughly a dozen times with no arrests made and ample video evidence available; but the minute John fought back he was threatened with arrest much like African-Americans who were beaten then arrested before the 1960s civil rights era.


Aaron Diaz wrote: “You’re a wild dog you drugged up moron. There’s a reason why the police are trying to build a case against you to remove you from the area, you’re a straight up lunatic and you need help. What’s funny is that all of the neighbors hate you, it’s not just our “gang”. By the way, how are we some KKK street gang? Even in your video you can see we have a multitude of ethnicities. Please educate yourself, you’re one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. There’s a reason why everyone hates? You, (sic) – etc...” AaronDiaz408 17 Hours ago

First off; John has never met Aaron Diaz. Adding to this; John also knows most of his adjacent neighbors and gets along with them just fine; thank you (except for the Olenak familia).

Aaron Diazs’ You Tube comments: “There’s a reason everyone hates you” essentially constitutes a hate crime showing malice and/or malicious intent on the part of the Rebholtz/Paolinetti familia conspiracy. Aaron Diaz is part of a supposed racial ‘minority’ group who is spewing racial hatred towards a Caucasian – when Caucasians are actually now a minority group in the state of California. (and this is determined by population numbers – not Judiciary opinions).

Question: Would the local police be discriminating against and/or violating the civil rights of an African American who faced the same kind of hatred and extended non-coincidental harassment and menacing and stalking by “building a case” against them and removing them from the area? Isn’t that the same kind of thing that happened to Japanese Americans during WWI at Manzanar?

As for the “you’re a straight up lunatic” comment: even if John was a supposed “straight up lunatic”; supposed “straight up lunatics” and/or mentally compromised individuals (and/or any person with perceived disabilities) cannot be discriminated against even if the alleged “lunacy” and/or disability is imagined; as it clearly is in this case. Other than that; John liked Lieutenant Simpsons’ 51/50 reference because that's the name of Eddie Van Halens’ home recording studio.


The local police seem to have an obsession with controlling Johns' legal usage of freedom of speech as opposed to controlling the illegal usage of hate speech by people like Aaron Diaz. From officers Fuji and Gantt; to the Paolinetti/Rebholtz Familia; to the Olenak Familia; to using the color of law to violate Johns' voting rights; to the slanderous semi-psychopathic social worker at VCA; etc etc etc -- this is further proof that the Sunnyvale Police have been involved not only in torturous practices which denied John of basis human rights and/or emotion; but they have also been MASSIVELY involved in First Amendment rights-violating; unconstitutional policing and/or governing for a number of years now. 

In 2009 John was approached at the Oasis Nightclub in Sunnyvale by an alleged government agent (CIA?) who worked at Lockheed Martin; telling John: "I don't like what they're doing to you" in relation to the torturous night time disturbances John was experiencing -- suggesting that John was perhaps being purposefully tortured -- and the local police knew all about it but did not take affirmative action to stop even when Officer Ross intervened in March of 2011. This alleged government agent then told John that Officer Don Paolinetti is a "crooked cop who has been reprimanded numerous times" suggesting Officer Paolinettis' character was less than desirable.

This alleged agent then complimented John on his independent scientific research saying: "you're not crazy; you're actually really smart" alluding to the baseless claims of "mental illness" made by malicious and slanderous police officials desperate to destroy John's good reputation and/or mischaracterize; conceal and cover up the evil abuse John was experiencing. (John could have graduated early from high school but chose to play the drums instead) This supposed agent then added: "government physicists already know about this" while John was simply intelligent enough to figure it out on his own; based upon hunches and simple cause and effect prediction. The alleged agent then added to Johns' research by telling him (among other things) about the Nasa "Moon Bomb" experiment; which slammed open the storm door; bringing torrential rains to the west coast in the following months. John was up at 4 am the morning of the Moon Bomb experiment to watch the satellite imagery of tropical depression Nepartek forming as a result of this distant impact. Nasa claimed this experiment was aimed at trying to find water on the moon; while the actual result of the experiment had more to do with redistributing Earths' water supply.

GO TO: LRE RESEARCH @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/01/lre-research.html + http://likroper.com > click on the LRE RESEARCH button 


LRE RESEARCH NOTES: 14 OCT 2009 / 'WHOLE FACE OF MOUNTAIN' FELL INTO VALLEY; resident says [weekend of 10-11 OCT 2009] @ http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/10/13/washington.landslide/index.html + TROPICAL DEPRESSION (TD) NEPARTEK MOVES ACROSS PACIFIC OCEAN TOWARDS CALIFORNIA, BRINGING UNUSUAL EARLY HEAVY RAINS > GO TO: http://www.mercurynews.com/california/ci_13550870?nclick_check=1 + BIGGEST OCTOBER STORM SINCE 1962 CLOSES ROADS, SCHOOLS etc @ http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/ci_13550816?source=most_emailed (see: QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT)

EXCERPT FROM LRE RESEARCH: "Extremely intelligent (and/or especially extremely emotionally intelligent) people like John are often seen by relative simpletons as being freaks and/or "mentally ill" due to their incredible intelligence and/or sheer volume of thought; expression (and compassion).

And especially when it comes to emotional intelligence; where it almost seems like John was born with all of the available emotional intelligence in the universe -- while many others somehow got NONE WHATSOEVER.  (George Hills Company; Judge Louis Amadeo Junior; federal X-officer Gabrielle Seagrave and/or Santa Clara officer Pablo Lopez etc etc etc)..."

 SEE ALSO: THE MYSTERY MAN FROM LOCKHEED (MML) AND FORCED MASS VACCINATIONS @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-mystery-man-from-lockheed-mml-and.html

The discrimination John has experienced is multidimensional; first off it is gender-based in that if the exact same thing that happened to John happened to a female (for instance); someone would have been arrested and/or in BIG trouble by now; and I can almost 100% guarantee you it would not be the female for documenting her own abuse. The truth is; men and women cannot enjoy true equality as long as this kind of blatant gender-based blind spot is allowed to exist. Second; the discrimination is also race-based because if the same kind of violence and hate crimes and harassment and criminal threats etc that John experienced were leveled against ANY OTHER minority in this region; arrests would have been made long ago (Caucasians are now a minority in the State of California).

Third and perhaps most important of all is the government-sanctioned discrimination angle of this; where government has not only sat back and allowed this all to happen -- but they are also now taking sides.  

Then when you consider the police-sanctioned nature of this -- where a Santa Clara cops' son was conspiratorially involved with various other individuals (Rebholtz familia ect) in illegal night time disturbances that spanned a number of years -- and both the Santa Clara and Sunnyvale Police Departments knew of the abuse yet did nothing to stop it...this clearly exposes official negligence -- and perhaps even collusion on the part of both local police departments.

Adding to this; Police are such a bunch of overprotected wussies nowadays that attacking them is a serious felony; while attacking the same people they were sworn to protect and serve is not. Something is seriously wrong with this scenario. It's called "putting the cart before the horse".

And while a Black Women's book club won an $11 million dollar settlement for being illegally ejected from a Napa wine train; John got illegally ejected from Blinkys' Can't Say etc for the EXACT SAME THING without any settlement. But! John grew up in a very diverse neighborhood hanging around with his Chinese and Mexican etc neighbors on a level playing field for all with no discrimination whatsoever. So to have this kind of race-based reverse discrimination emerge and be allowed to fester in the modern day is not only unacceptable and unethical; but also just plain old ILLEGAL.

NOTE: The situation with President elect Donald Trump and the supposed "alt-right" movement is just another reason to ignore the plight of non-racist Caucasian Americans; as white individuals who simply want equal rights and protections without discrimination are often lumped together with "white supremacists" not only just to shut them up and make them go away (and/or lessen the court case load) but also and/or mainly to purposefully divide the general populace as well to keep the 'powers who used to be' in control. 

But the need for equal rights for all and/or respect and firm application of the Fourteenth Amendment is now greater than ever as we slowly evolve and move towards a less divided and more inclusive and all-encompassing American ideology.

GO TO: THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION = FREEDOM OF SPEECH @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/the-first-amendment-of-united-states.html + MIRANDA RIGHTS AND THE FIFTH AMENDMENT: ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU IN THE COURT OF LAW ETC @  http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/08/miranda-rights-and-fifth-amendment.html + GENERAL ELECTION DAY / 8 NOVEMBER 2016 @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/11/election-day-8-november-2016.html + THE HONORABLE SOCRATES MANOUKIAN @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-honorable-socrates-manoukian.html + AL COLLINS AND LEGAL SHIELD AND/OR PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INCORPORATED @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/al-collins-and-legal-shield-andor-pre.html + PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF EVENTS @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/prior-knowledge.html + PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/11/prior-knowledge-of-events-by-state-of.html + A PATTERN OR PRACTICE OF DISCRIMINATION @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-pattern-or-practice-of-discrimination.html + BIGGERTHANSNOWDEN.COM @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/biggerthansnowdencom.html + INCIDENT ON 7 SEP 2016 / ALLEGED STRONG ARMED ROBBERY ON THUNDERBIRD AVENUE @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/incident-on-7-sep-2016-alleged-strong.html + INCIDENT ON 18 JUNE 2016 / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA = PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/06/incident-on-18-june-2016-oasis.html + NSA SURVEILLANCE HARASSMENT? ETC @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/nsa-surveillance-harassment-etc.html + NSA SURVEILLANCE MALFEASANCE + 18 U.S. CODE § 245 - FEDERALLY PROTECTED ACTIVITIES + 18 U.S. CODE § 1512 - TAMPERING WITH A WITNESS; VICTIM OR INFORMANT ETC @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/08/nsa-surveillance-malfeasance-18-us-code.html + EX-SUNNYVALE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS) OFFICER MATTHEW BENINGER & SON ETC @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/10/ex-police-officer-matthew-beninger.html + OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE: PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF EVENTS AND/OR ILLEGALLY SUPPRESSED EVIDENCE BY THE SANTA CLARA POLICE DEPARTMENT IN JUNE 2010 AND/OR THE SUNNYVALE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN JUNE 2011 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/11/prior-knowledge-of-events-andor.html + OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE AND/OR DOMESTIC TERRORISM AND/OR FELONY STALKING AND/OR UNCIVIL HARASSMENT (CONTINUED) @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/08/obstruction-of-justice-andor-domestic.html + OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED)? @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/12/obstruction-of-justice-continued.html + TERRORIST SEAGRAVE? @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/terrorist-seagrave.html + INCIDENT NUMBER 142 730 223 / 30 SEP 2014 > GENDER DISCRIMINATION (continued) @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/10/incident-number-142-730-223-30-sep-2014.html + INSTITUTIONALIZED GOVERNMENT DISCRIMINATION (continued) @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/09/institutionalized-government.html + THE CAUCASIAN MINORITY @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-caucasian-minority.html + DERELICTION OF DUTY (continued) @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/11/dereliction-of-duty-continued.html + WITNESS INTIMIDATION AND/OR DISSUADING A WITNESS ETC: CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE § 136.1 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/09/witness-intimidation-andor-dissuading.html + THE DISPOSITION MATRIX @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-disposition-matrix-continued.html + THE FBI: ACTION FOR NEGLECT TO PREVENT? @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-fbi-action-for-neglect-to-prevent.html + JUDGE LOUIS AMADEO JUNIOR @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/judge-louis-amadeo-junior.html + EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW? Pt II @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/reverse-discrimination.html + ASSAULT BLOG: JUNE 2007 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/assault-blog-june-2007.html + MISTER ROGERS AND PRISON YARD BEHAVIOR @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/mister-rogers-and-prison-yard-behavior.html + CIVIL RIGHTS TASK FORCE @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/civil-rights-task-force-etc.html + TRIAL BY ORDEAL? @  http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/trial-by-ordeal.html + COMPLICITY THROUGH NEGLIGENCE AND/OR INCOMPETENCE ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/03/complicity-through-negligence-andor.html + LIST OF CASUALTIES @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/10/list-of-casualties.html +   DISTURBING THE PEACE, CONTINUED (PART II) @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/09/disturbing-peace-continued-part-ii.html > Note: Jake Paolinetti and friends were allowed to repeatedly breach the peace and/or yell and/or direct criminal threats (in other words; terrorize and torture) outside Johns' window at all hours of the night; while John was (among many other questionable incidents) scrutinized for merely drafting a flyer to bring attention to the abuse and consequently silenced by police?! Why do Sunnyvale DPS and/or Santa Clara PD have such big a problem with free speech and expression?! (Note: Disturbing and/or Breach of the Peace is NOT a form of protected speech) Don't they realize the First Amendment was argued for 14 YEARS!?! IT'S A DONE DEAL! And don't they also realize that life; liberty and the pursuit of happiness and freedom of speech etc are UNALIENABLE RIGHTS written in stone and unable to be denied to and/or by any U.S. citizen?! > Go To: UNALIENABLE RIGHTS @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/02/unalienable-rights.html
GO TO: VARIOUS QUESTIONABLE COVER UPS BY THE CITY OF SUNNYVALE AND/OR THE CITY OF SANTA CLARA AND/OR THE SUNNYVALE AND/OR SANTA CLARA POLICE DEPARTMENTS ETC @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/07/various-criminal-andor-illegal-cover.html + STAYING ON POINT: A PATTERN OF NEGLIGENCE AND/OR CORRUPTION OVER TIME (continued) http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/06/pattern-of-negligent-behavior-over-time.html

Amendment I -- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances...


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