Friday, September 29, 2017


To Whom It May Concern:

John found out about Lawyer Fulvio Cajina on a TV news program regarding Jesus Geney a few months back; so John called Fulvios' office and he agreed to help John fill out a City of Sunnyvale claim form John had filled out incorrectly. 

John sent the entire set of documents to Fulvio via UPS so he would receive them at least one week before the 16 September 2017 deadline. But after speaking to Fulvio the other day he had still not opened the UPS package roughly 3 weeks after receiving it (!?!) leaving Johns' case for all intents and purposes in a state of limbo. 

Since then Fulvio has failed to return text messages even though he knows John is in a sensitive emotional state right now after years of police-sponsored abuse and torture experienced over roughly the last decade; decimating his finances and life in general. John has lived in Sunnyvale for 50+ years now without incident...that is until he attended a few Sunnyvale City Council meetings in the early 2000s; which led to nearly a decade of unabated harassment; stalking; menacing and vandalism etc -- with the City of Santa Clara working in concert and/or conspiring with the City of Sunnyvale in an unsuccessful attempt to violate Johns' unalienable rights.

In the interest of transparency; John has brought this latest situation to the attention of the DOJ (Attorney General; Associate Attorney General; Deputy Attorney General; FBI; Civil Rights division etc) and the California Attorney General as well – to let them know what is going on regarding this all-important case that could end up affecting countless individuals if handled correctly. 

It has been two days since John spoke on the phone with Fulvio Cajina; with no answer back from him yet. The main thing John is asking for (and has always been asking for all along) is equal deference.

For instance; if a female was in the same kind of fragile emotional state that John is in at this moment -- Fulvio would have no doubt responded by now -- as well as government and/or police -- but this is nothing more than an extension of the troubling multi-pronged discrimination trend John has experienced over the last 17 or so years (gender/race/class-based etc) at the hands of government and/or police and/or legal representation. 

A cause of action is needed to complete a City of Sunnyvale claim form. The main cause of action is inaction and/or negligence and/or police misconduct and/or defamation of character and/or slander and/or gender/race/class-based discrimination and/or judicial malfeasance and/or misfeasance and/or “overarching malfeasant ineptitude” if you will. 

Action must be taken to reverse and/or "rectify" the obvious cranial/posterior syndrome suffered by various potential defendants referred to in this complaint -- as well as the narcissistic personality disorder that is largely responsible for inaction on the part of local government 'officials'.

Adding to this; after posting this information on the “Justice for Jesus A.Geney (AKA Chucho) Montes” Facebook page @ (tagging Fulvio Cajina) John was swiftly blocked from the page in an apparent attempt to cover up the entire situation.

This is nothing new though; as several lawyers have agreed to help John over time -- then backed out for unknown and/or unspecified reasons even though John has a case from hell Defendants have absolutely no chance of winning -- and this is UNACCEPTABLE. All people need to be treated equally regardless of biological; ideological and/or financial etc differences as required by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -- regardless of race and/or gender etc.

The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws". Go To: Equal Protection Clause @


Attorney misconduct is unethical or illegal conduct by an attorney. Attorney Misconduct may include: conflict of interest, over billing, refusing to represent a client for political or professional motives, false or misleading statements, hiding evidence, abandoning a client, failing to disclose all relevant facts, arguing a position while neglecting to disclose prior law which might counter the argument, and in some instances having sex with a client. The advent of electronic record keeping and "e-discovery" has also resulted in a record number of attorney sanctions for a range of abuses from failure to produce to the leaking of sealed documents.

Many Attorneys end up working for government as law makers etc; therefore attorney misconduct can perhaps be seen as nothing more than a form of training for an eventual position within government. For all intents and purposes; the justice system here in America -- between judiciary/police/attorney etc misconduct -- is badly flawed and obviously in desperate need of re-examination and repair.

Go To: Attorney Misconduct @  


2 October 2017 / “Mr. Roper: Thanks for all your emails. I was able to review the documents you sent me and, unfortunately, I cannot represent you. I am not saying that you may not have any claims, so you may want to discuss the matter with other attorneys. Good luck in the future. Best, Fulvio...”

NOTE: As illegal immigrants receive free legal assistance for their various illegalities; John has done nothing illegal yet still cannot get a lawyer to take his case -- and it has been this way for almost a decade now. Citizens of this country needing legal assistance are now being put on the back burner for non-citizens clogging up the courts; and the Democratic party is behind this in direct response to the Republican party. All Fulvio Cajina had to do was help John fill out a simple form and argue with an insurance company -- which he initially agreed to do -- but Fulvio later refused to do this. Therefore; one cannot help but suspect Mister Cajina is falling prey to unconscious bias.


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