Tuesday, December 6, 2016


1) Shortly before Johns' older brother Carl passed away in an unexpected vehiclular accident on December 24th, 1999: On the morning of October 24, 1999 a U.S. Army helicopter hovered closely over Johns' residence (about 30 feet up); did three mini-circles; then flew off -- John published his annual Only Good Newsletter @ http://likroper.com/onlygoodv7n3.htm that very same morning; citing widely available public information garnered from the world wide web regarding "Ebe"; one of the alleged Roswell aliens. QUESTION: Why did a U.S.Army helicopter fly so low over Johns' residence on this day back in 1999? (this event was also witnessed by Johns' old neighbor Leo; who had and/or has a classifed clearance status for his job making Tomahawk Missiles etc) > see also: http://www.theguardian.com/world/ufos

NOTE: John used this experience as inspiration to come up with one of his more classic quotes: "The rising middle fingers of true deepened democracy answer to NO ONE" which appeared in his next Only Good Newsletter.

2) Sometime during the Bush administration years (probably around 2004-2005); John went to a local 7-11 while on his way to a friends' house to find what appeared to be an individual from the U.S. military (caucasian male with red hair and freckles) wearing fatigues jumping on an adjacent car hood in the parking lot of the 7-11; while focusing on John. This incident did not scare John and nothing in particular transpired from this strange event; nonetheless it is yet another highly questionable incident that happened during the highly questionable years under the Bush Administration. This is yet another highly unusual federal government-sanctioned event needing a thorough explanation.

3) On May 4, 2006 John was at his friends' apartment in Palo Alto re-recording an old song; when yet another U. S. Army helicopter flew extremely close to the window of Jims' room at fathers' apartment on Towle Drive in Palo Alto; about 30 feet away (this event was witnessed by various neighbors) they peered in Jims' the window; flew off and then quickly disappeared. 

Porter Goss resigned as Director of the CIA the very next day on May 5, 2006 -- For more information regarding these questionable incidents; A Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A) inquiry must first be submitted to the U.S. State Department. QUESTION: What was the official rationale for using the U.S. Military against unarmed United States citizens?

NOTE: This was one of the last times John saw his old buddy Jim; as Jim passed away in 2012 after being continually harassed and stalked by the Palo Alto Police Department for many years. Jim was basically tortured and/or jailed (for riding his bike without a light of all things) just weeks before his untimely death. ALSO; Jim did a short stint at Elmwood Correctional Facility in the early 2000s. When Jim was released from custody; a guard from Elmwood Correctional Facility went on a local radio station (either KSJO and/or KFUX) talking about "J-birds" (in other words; 'mentally compromised' inmates like Jim. > BY THE WAY: JIM HAD A 150+ IQ!? Jim was WAY MORE INTELLIGENT than ANY lame-ass police officer and/or prison guard!)

These are two songs John recorded with Jim and his brother Mike back during the 1980s. > SOUTH OF HEAVEN BOOTLEG @ http://likroper.bandcamp.com/album/south-of-heaven-bootleg  > Guitar Player magazine publisher Donn Menn attended Jims' funeral and spoke very highly of Jims' guitar playing abilities.

ARE YOU HEARING VOICES INSIDE YOUR HEAD? John recently met someone on Johns' "Occupy Sunnyvale" Facebook page named Scott Blokzyl (1-761-280-4180) Scott Blokzyl is aware of the abuse of a device called a "neurophone"; a device can be used to remotely torture victims with unwanted neurological interference. 

(THE NEUROPHONE device that uses the new hyperspatial, virtual state, nested modulation technology is Dr. Pat Flanagan's neurophone. The neurophone is a device that, contrary to all present theory and knowledge, will directly “pump the brain” and reproduce sound and information directly in the brain and mind system, without going through the auditory system at all. > go to: http://www.cheniere.org/books/excalibur/neurophone.htm).

The neurophone has allegedly been used by corrupt law enforcement and/or organized crime for many years now; and Scott Blokzyl is supposedly now working with the FCC to get to the bottom if this situation. John suspects that Jim Finley was perhaps remotely tortured with the usage of neurophone technology; as Jim allegedly regularly heard unwanted voices inside his head. In light of this; all modern psychological theories regarding people "hearing voices" must be re-examined. 


In retrospect; the federal governments' response in this case is almost beyond comprehension. Someone within the federal government must have been suffering from significant grandiose delusions to think they were going to get away with this kind of crap. The good side of it all is (for instance) back during the 1960s when rebel musicians John Lennon and Jim Morrison were in the cross hairs of government scrutiny; they never experienced such an extreme response. 

Therefore; this not only puts John (and Jimmy) in the same infamous and/or famous category (depending upon how you look at things) as icons such as Lennon and Morrison -- but it almost makes John and Jimmy more famous and/or infamous in the process -- as the federal government never resorted to using the United States military against Lennon or Morrison -- which is a major badge of honor for John.

NOTE: In 1973 a psychologist sent sane volunteers to mental institutions. All were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders > go to: ROSENHAN EXPERIMENT @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenhan_experiment

GO TO: BIGGERTHANSNOWDEN.COM @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/biggerthansnowdencom.html + HATE CRIMES; NEGLIGENCE AND GOVERNMENT-SANCTIONED RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (CONTINUED) @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/11/hate-crimes-negligence-and-government.html + GENERAL ELECTION DAY / 8 NOVEMBER 2016 @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/11/election-day-8-november-2016.html + THE HONORABLE SOCRATES MANOUKIAN @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-honorable-socrates-manoukian.html + SEE ALSO: GEOENGINEERING WATCH @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/03/geoengineering-watch.html + LITHIUM IN CHEMTRAILS: COMBINING SOCIAL ENGINEERING WITH CLIMATE ENGINEERING? @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/04/lithium-in-chemtrails-combining-social.html > REPOSTED FROM THE ADDENDUM BLOG 1 / Tuesday, November 19, 2013 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/11/illegal-use-of-united-states-military.html

1 comment:

  1. does somebody want me to be afraid? good luck with that one!
