Tuesday, June 6, 2023


California State Legal Bar Puts Public at Significant Risk

The old saying goes “You never put the fox in charge of the hen house”. This is common and acceptable for all businesses and society except for lawyers and police. Thus the current outrage and corruption going on with lawyers and police in America. 

We’ve allowed them to have power over their own. Imagine your loved one kills someone and you’re allowed to determine a fair settlement for them? it’s that insane and you hear it all the time “We’re investigating ourselves”. Sadly exposing their crimes and helping real victims get justice is being railroaded by the same scum which commits these crimes.

These are spineless cowards who have no integrity or morals. They’re motivated by greed and control over the public which they use to commit horrendous crimes and immoral acts. Yet federal government never steps in and puts a stop to them.

A recent state audit raises serious questions about the California state bar’s ability to protect consumers. The state bar is in charge of investigating and disciplining attorneys, but a 75-page state audit found major problems with the way the bar worked to clear a huge backlog of disciplinary cases against thousands of attorneys. 

The result, according to the California State Auditor’s Office’s, was “the State Bar allowed some attorneys whom it otherwise might have disciplined more severely – or even disbarred – to continue practicing law, at significant risk to the public.”

According to the audit, the backlog of disciplinary cases topped 5,174 cases in 2010, “prompting the state bar to take steps to quickly reduce it.” While the state bar managed to decrease the backlog by 66 percent within a year, the audit revealed that “speedier resolutions” came at a cost as the State Bar began issuing less severe punishments to attorneys. 

As a result, the Bar dismissed more cases and settled others with written reprimands that may stay hidden in a lawyer’s discipline file.

“That’s working your numbers to try and look good, even when you’re potentially hurting consumers,” said Ed Howard, an attorney with the Center for Public Interest Law, a government watchdog group that monitors state boards and agencies.

“The state bar does not do in any way shape or form, the kind of job – when it comes to disciplining lawyers – that Californians deserve and Californians expect,” said Howard, who has previously testified before the California legislature to voice his criticism of the California Bar.

We see how judges and police can abuse people who try and expose them such as Cary-Andrew Crittenden whose only crime was reporting crimes against a disabled woman. Crittenden exposed an even deeper problem involving a dishonorable judge named Socrates Peter Manoukian whose history shows dishonesty, crime and bribery.

California State Bar Leader Bites the Dust After Cover- Up

Russia, Clinton Emails, Isis and now California’s State Bar. Hackers may truly be responsible for changing the world and many Silicon Valley Hackers are now turning to clean up California’s Courts. Confidential State Bar communications  indicate that dating back to 2014:

State Bar employees and contractors; Braulio Munoz, Gregory Dresser, Sherrie Mc Letchie, Lori Wallerstein and James Towery, willfully engaged in misconduct at the State Bar that compromised the private and confidential records of private citizens who filed complaints against attorneys, including the social security numbers and home addresses of  individuals who attempted to complaint about unethical lawyers.

​Rindskopf, the Bar’s latest leader to flee the rapidly deteriorating lawyer watchdog agency, is reportedly aware the Bar released the private social security numbers, home addresses, IRS information, credit card and banking records of private citizens who sought to address bad attorneys, and that the State Bar never notified these individuals of the release.

Emails and notes obtained by members of Silicon Valley’s most elite hackers show that Rindskopf has told those closest to her that she is leaving the State Bar after only two years, before a hurricane of investigations results in   indictments and criminal charges for many past and present employees, lawyers and judges.

Some of the records leaked to the press from Anonymous indicate that  the Bar repeatedly covered up attorney misconduct and ignored clear and convincing evidence that showed  former Chief Trial Counsel James Towery threw Joe Dunn under the bus when Dunn refused Towery’s request to cease investigating lawyers in Santa Clara County, where Towery was appointed as a judge following his departure from the Bar. State Bar Compliant files also show that the state’s legal system has become outright corrupt, as it has allowed large law firms and individual lawyers off the disclosure hook, while judges award these same unethical firms and lawyers millions in sanctions and fees awards every year.

The records obtained also show that James Towery failed to make lawful disclosures himself, while working at the State Bar, and while acting as a judge in Santa Clara County. Towery’s former law firm, Hoge and Fenton, is reported to have essentially bought the employment position for their partner, which in return promised “protection” for Hoge Fenton lawyers, and lawyers inside the Santa Clara County prosecutor’s office, where Towery’s wife was employed.  Additionally problematic was the fact that  Towery and his wife, Karen Sinunu Towery  saw to it that millions of State Bar grants went to fund questionable non profits and programs associated with Santa Clara County University’s law programs.

​Bar communications also show that Rindskopf is extremely worried about Hayward v. Superior court. Rindskopf privately admitted, the Bar clearly first ignored a complaint against Nancy Perkovich before the Hayward case was decided, and is now scrambling to discipline Perkovich, who is facing a civil suit for driving one divorce case to incur over $3,000,000 in fees where Perkovich did nothing for the millions she charged in attorney fees and costs. 

Column: The California State Bar’s dismal history shows why it should be broken up @ https://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-calbar-20160619-snap-story.html

SEE ALSO: California Bar says 'hack' exposed 1,000s of attorney discipline cases @ https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/california-bar-says-hack-exposed-1000s-attorney-discipline-cases-2022-02-28/


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